Troop Activities For August

Hey Scouts!

This is the first of our troop’s new monthly news posts. In these posts, you can see what the Troop meetings will be about as well as our monthly campout. Here is what we will be doing during the month of August:


8/1 – Weather Merit Badge

8/8 – Yearly Troop Planning Meeting

8/15 – Requirements: Megalodons – Tenderfoot 5a-5d, Pinecones & Cobras – Second Class 7c, 9a and 9b

8/22 – Requirements: Megalodons – Second Class 2a-2c, Pinecones & Cobras – First Class 3d

8/29 – Troop Court of Honor

Monthly Campout:

From 8/25 to 8/27, we are going to Red Top Mountain, where we will work on requirements and have some fun.

Next month’s PLC meeting is on 8/28. If you are on the PLC, we hope to see you there.

That’s all. Have a good month everyone!