Troop Activities for November

Hey Scouts!

Happy November! Here is what we are going to be up to this month:


11/7- More Digital Tech MB taught by the Webmaster (me) + Capture the Flag

11/14 – Troop Elections, Second Class 3D, First Class 4B, Map navigation and compass use, Patrol time + Manhunt

11/21 – No meeting

11/28 – Troop Court of Honor

Up to 11/14 – American Business MB at 6:30 to 7:00

Monthly Campout:

No Campout this month, but we will be going to Squirrels Nest in December.

Other Events:

We will start learning the Personal Management Merit badge before the meetings starting on 12/5. Mark your calendars.

I want to see what you guys think about these news posts. When you have the time, please fill out this feedback form. You must be logged in to access this link.

The Shooting Sports campout scheduled for this month has been cancelled.

Next month’s PLC meeting is on 12/4. If you have a leadership position, we hope to see you there.

That’s all. Have a good month everyone!